Friday, 18 January 2013

Computer says no.

So I've been deliberating for days, weeks even, searching for the answer to the conundrum: What to blog about?  You'd think after all this time I would've come up with something genius; alas no.  It is purely humdrum...

I decided today would be blog day, excellent procrastination from the dissertation, research project and 3 books which need to read in the next 2 weeks! Hey ho, this, somehow, feels productive. Picture the scene...

A nice mug of coffee, a comfy chair a view out of the patio doors onto idyllic and pretty snow covered garden, I type the blogspot address into google search bar.  Please enter your username and password.  Here is my first downfall.  Err... what was it?  I try many combinations, I will not be defeated! Was that E a 3 in the password or not? Did I use son's date of birth or daughter's? Erm...

'The username and/or password you have entered is incorrect, please try again... and again... and again... and again'.

I give up.  Admit defeat and press to say I've forgotten my username. They'll email me the log in details. Simple.

'We have emailed your username and password to the gmail account, linked to you blogspot' (or words to that effect).

My gmail account? Oh balls!  I've got a gmail account? And guess what the gmail account requires? ...a username and password - ARGH! Computer says no.

45 minutes later and I am finally in.  I have absolutely no idea what the final magic combo was/is and the amazing blog you were going to read has turned into a mini rant. The baby has awakened from her slumber and the school has been in contact to say that due to snow please collect your child 2 hours early.

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and are having a fabulous New Year.  Looks like it's time to dust off the wellies and freeze our whatsits off building a snowman! #Such Fun!

Blatant Plug:

Black Cat Copy-editing is available for dissertation and other assignment proofreading and editing.  We will also happily proofread and/or copy edit: publications, websites, CVs, personal statements... the list is endless. Please, get in touch.

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